Consulting. Data Engineering. Data Science. Business Intelligence.



We are always happy to sit down or have a call to discuss your needs and figure out how they can get met.

If your project will not fit into Data Concord's schedule, we will always recommend another company that may be able to help.

Data Engineering:

Building custom software to Extract / mine raw data, Transform it into usable information, and Load it into a database for storage or further analysis (ETL).

Data Science:

Building custom software to explore transformed data and make conclusions and predictions from that information using statistical analysis and / or machine learning.

Business Intelligence:

Business intelligence can be considered to be a combination of data engineering and data science that's applied to helping you make more informed business decisions. We sometimes use Tableau to help with visualizations.

Yes, we also build custom Web Applications.

About Data Concord

Data Concord, name:

Data = Facts and statistics collected for reference or analysis.
Concord = A harmonious agreement between separate elements.
Data Concord = Transforming data into comprehensive and actionable information through custom software development and easy to understand visualizations.

Data Concord, symbol:

The symbol as a whole represents a digital off / on switch.
When the switch is in the off position, the ability to make informed decisions is unavailable.
When the switch is turned on, a Data Concord is achieved and you can make informed decisions.

The delta shape is an allusion to supersonic jets.
Thorough strategy, engineering, and well executed construction are critical to successfully completing a mission.
The delta shape also represents speed because projects need to be completed on time.

Contact Data Concord

Data Concord LLC
Phoenix, AZ 85004
Based in Phoenix and happy to travel to your location.